MACK Granite Flatbed Truck with JCB Loader backhoe
The incredibly realistic driver's cabin features doors that can be opened, a tilting engine hood that provides a full view of the engine block, and folding side-view mirrors. The MACK Granite Flatbead Truck with JCB Loader Backhoe includes a fully functioning fifth wheel coupling, fold-away stabilizers to safely support the vehicle, fold-down access ramps, and adjustable vehicle locks to secure the loaded vehicles. The MACK Granite Flatbed Truck #02813 also includes the JCB loader Backhoe which has a fully functional front loader, a backhoe that moves up and down and swings from side to side on this unique toy, a seat that swings around for optimal views of the worksite, soft rubber tires with real tread and stabilizer legs which extend to the ground.
Ages 4+
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